Spidertron Tiers

by Zangeti

Adds 13 new unique Spidertrons! Wether high firepower, early game, speed, inventory size or fog war reveal, there is something for everyone.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g How to open the spiders equipment grid?

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for the mod :-)
I am having trouble, I cannot seem to be able to open the equipment grid screen for the spiders - I've tried clicking on the icon for the spider but nothing opens - is there a hotkey for this?

3 years ago

I found it - you left click the spider - it threw me because with the vanilla spider you can also double click on the icon of the spider near the weapons :-)

3 years ago

No idea you could do that :D
I'll look into fixing the icon.

3 years ago

Have tried clicking on the small spider icon near the weapons on the bottom right of the screen (right/left/mousewheel click) of the vanilla spidertron with no mods loaded, and it didn't open the inventory grid... Are you sure this isn't the effect of another mod changing the vanilla spidertron?

Note: I'd be interested in adding support for it if it was...

3 years ago

To clarify, in the above post I mean equipment grid when I wrote inventory grid; no window opened for me when clicking the icon... strange really considering how its behaviour should intuitively mirror that of power armour (for which when right clicking its icon in the armour slot a window with the equipment grid does pop up for me)...

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