Spell Pack deprecated

by OwnlyMe

New useful abilities

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g How do you get spirit?

5 years ago

I'm playing in multiplayer, and we can't seem to reliably get spirit. One time I logged in, I noticed I had 7 spirit. but I have no idea how.
I even looked through the code, it seems like you have to kill players to get it? But trying that failed.

5 years ago

Try kill biters

5 years ago

We've killed tons of biters, trees, rocks, even buildings. Nothing.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

you need to be close enough to absorb their spirits
if it still doesn't work, try disabling the flying spirits.

5 years ago

How i can do whis?

5 years ago

when they die you need to be nearby (radius of 40 tiles) with a normal character (unit name: "character")

5 years ago

/c game.print(game.player.character.name)

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