Space trains

Electric trains designed to operate in space too. For Space Exploration mod.

2 years ago

g many small problems

4 months ago

Hi, there are an amount of small things that could improve on your mod, like:

  • diagonal orientation
  • recipes /reverse / autocrafting
  • compatibility on surface changes (fuel-warnings in space exploration)

Are you still maintaining this mod or is it abandened? Would like to give you inputs here since i cant follow your code to fix it myself :D

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Diagonal orientation is problematic as i'm not very good with Blender (or generally graphics). It was heavy fight to get it to usable form. I could see into through holidays, if i will have some time.
What should be improved in recipes?
I know reverse recipes are problematic, but i don't know, how to improve them.
Compability -what should be changed? I thing it uses system solution and i don't know, how they can be changed.
Mod is not abandoned, but there were no incentives for changes up to date. (Thruth is i have not played factorio for some time in favor of other production games). So if you have some suggestions, i can do some changes. I'm glad someone is using this mod.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)


thanks for your reply.
i just didnt want to add up time to post my suggestions if you wouldnt read them:

sadly the split panels wont be "autocrafted" if just the regular ones are in inventory. its needed to craft them manually before adding them to a train.
fun thing: when i have a solar FLUID wagon, it will AUTOREMOVE that solar, when i craft a cargo wagon without having solar panels in inventory
After removing all reverse recipes from your mod manually, everything works fine - so i have no clue how to fix it with reverse recipes and how the game decides whiche recipe it uses for autocrafting.

Diagonal orientation:
As you said and probably know the train looks strange on diagonal tracks - i hoped it was just an oversight, since your mod looks kinda professional done.

as said in the other thread you didnt test the mod with spaceElevators.
Especially there is a situation where from time to time the fuel-warning pops up for trains exiting an elevator. When checking them, they seem always to have full fuel.
For this, i tried giving all trains a battery and a generator, but it doesnt seem to fix the problem. i even tried changing some values for when the battery is usedinstead of the fuel, but the "errors" still occur.
They "fix" themself, since no train really stops because of missing furel- but the warnings are annoying, wspecially ehen you have some more trains using SpaceElevator...

4 months ago

I haven't found yet, how to set priority for recipes. I will probably add settings to disable them completelly or from hand-crafting.

I'm programmer, but very bad at graphic stuff. Problem is game is isometric, so everything is smaller in Y-axis. I used recommended settings for Blender, but it seems i need to set also something else. And then fiddle with everything again to get it into right position. Modeling of vehicles is the worst...

I will look into it - i finished SE before space elevators were added, but it certainly corresponds with how it works (similiar to all those tunnel mods or renai transportation) - wagons are destroyed and new trains is forming on the other end, so it has also different train ID. And i have stored additional informations on train fuels by id (to disable train when it is under 5% of capacity to enable charging even in weak solar without letting train goes full power forever).

I will try to find some time during holidays...

4 months ago

yep, you are right, its a different train id on another surface

4 months ago

just an idea: you could add the reverse recipes to the recycling facility of SE, not to the handcrafting.
so you keep them and they dont break the automatic intermediate crafting

4 months ago

I appologize, i was unable to find enough time during holidays, i will try to do changes in upcoming days.

4 months ago

no hurry.
im happy that you still maintain it anyway. Keep cool and keep the right priorities ;)

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