Space Placeform Chest

by Corlin

Add chests that can teleport placeable items into your space platform hub, making it easier to create a self sustaining platform.

2 months ago
Logistics Storage

g Not exactly what I thought I was getting with this.

4 months ago

I was really hoping that this would allow me to pull ammo from my hub to fill turrets. I find it kind of dumb that I have to put an ammo belt loop on my space platform and I have been looking for a mod which would allow me to avoid that. Any chance you could add this feature?

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Hello adalast. I understand what you are asking for. But i will not add that to this mod.
This mod is for making it easier to transfer items you use to build on the platform, into the hub.

4 months ago

You could consider some of the "Linked Chests" mods, those could do that for you.

3 months ago

Would you consider adding this as an option in settings? (e.g. bidirectional link with hub? and allowing of any item to be moved?)

3 months ago

No. Use another mod for it.

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