Getting a similar error on the 1.0.3 version, though I have a fair number of mods running so I am not certain which one is causing the issue. Error occurs when a hub chest is actually placed on a platform. Are there just too many items added by the mods, or does anything jump out to you that might cause an issue?
Error while running event space-platform-chests::on_space_platform_built_entity (ID 72)
Index out of inventory bounds.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'set_filter'
space-platform-chests/control.lua:55: in function 'init_hub_chest_with_filters'
space-platform-chests/control.lua:14: in function <space-platform-chests/control.lua:10>
Running AAI cont. & warehouses, AAI Loaders, AAI Signal Transmission
Armored Biters
Ballistic Missile
Better Chatting, Biter Memoirs
Bottleneck Lite, Even Distribution
Bullet Trails, Disco Science
Cargo Pad Bonus Research
Frost Biters
Lavafill, Waterfill
Text Plates