Space Exploration Postprocess (Required)

[REQUIRED] Required for Space Exploration. Contains some important code that must run after other mods and a few bare-bones compatibility patches.

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
This mod 32 From other mods 228
Dependency types:
Default 135 Required 97 Conflict 4 Optional 60 Hidden 67
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 772K
seoh >= 0.6 22.8K
K2SETweaks 14.9K
entity-waterfilling-re-enabled >= 0.5.26 9.94K
se_k2_fluid_permutations 9.54K
seoh-fixed >= 0.5 8.47K
modpack_se_k2_bz_248k 6.50K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.37K
exotic-industries-se 2.84K
CasualSpaceExplorationSimplifiedFixed >= 0.5 2.19K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.16K
space-modpack 1.86K
LarkenxK2SETweaks 1.83K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.63K
KrastorioModPack 1.51K
semc >= 0.5 1.49K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
se-earlier-spidertron >= 0.6 1.31K
K2_SE_combat_techrevision 1.31K
martincitopants-new-stream-modpack 1.25K
se-simplified 1.05K
PressurizedFluidsSpaceExplorationBridge 989
reverse-factory-postprocess 977
SENoMoreRocketMan 884
k2-se-nuclear-fuel-fix 840
SE_STARGATE >= 0.6 706
TP-SE-fix 685
shiveros_nuclear_overhaul_for_SE 669
SpaceTweaks >= 0.6.27 542
simple-spaceex-Altarin 439
space-exp-early-logistics-fix >= 0.2.4 434
wret-endgame-level-4-techs 364
as2_krastorio_SE >= 0.6.28 344
se-rebalance_stargate >= 0.6 313
ak-se-rebalance >= 0.6 303
muimityae >= 0.6.10 287
se-construction-pylon-show-orange-n-green-in-hand 284
248k_Compatibility_Fix 243
Hiladdar-SE-compatibility >= 0.5 222
FissionFusionFixes248K 181
aivech-simple-spaceex 171
k2semsi-modpack >= 0.6.20 167
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 167
sp55aa-modpack-space-exploration 165
SE-ores-integration 162
lucky-modpack 159
k2se-wq 141
asj-modpack-space >= 0.5.16 137
se-memory-cell 135
LarkenxK2SETweaks_fixed 106
billdoom-shuttle-patch 102
DaThomasSpacePack >= 0.5.28 99
jcrneep-space-modpack 84
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 84
se-al 84
mlg-krastorio2 >= 0.5.24 80
se-bypass >= 0.6.30 73
TheWizerModpack 70
modpack-voyager >= 0.6.28 59
klynwo-modpack 55
SpeaceBlock 54
space_krastorio_2_fine_experience >= 0.3.22 52
j00lz-meme-mod 48
ApollonSysK2SETweaks 44
KraSpace >= 0.6.13 40
personal-tweaks 31
se-recipe-adjustment >= 0.6.27 24
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 0.6.18 22
rafal-rubaj-modpack 21
salamiseniors-martincitopants-modpack-2022 14
SpaceExplorationTerrestrialScienceTweak 10
FoodSpaceModmash 8
se-rfp >= 0.4.8 6
flamborio2 6
KEPO-space-exploration-compat >= 0.4.8 5
space-exploration >= 0.6.26 484K
ik-localize >= 0.5.11 900
Sky-Atlas-Metallurgy-Core 573
InsaneModpack 254
se-science-scale 26.0K
Factorio-Tiberium >= 0.6.18 22.7K
MDbobelectronics >= 0.6.13 20.5K
spidertrontiers >= 0.5.10 15.3K
DoingThingsByHand 15.0K
Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier 9.65K
discovery_tree 8.16K
crafting-efficiency-2 6.47K
TanksSchallGroupsfixes 4.89K
Zh-cnMod 4.23K
caonima 3.94K
SE-locale 3.61K
5dim-cats >= 0.5.21 3.28K
Li-VariationFactory 2.72K
TanksK2andK2SETweaks 2.41K
xp-for-buildings 2.00K
super-generous-recipes 1.86K
hazmat-suit-k2fix 1.56K
5dim_Compatibility_Fixes 1.46K
hazmat-suit 1.46K
z_CheaperModules 1.38K
InfiniteResearchCostTweaker >= 0.1.0 1.35K
zzz-handcraft-shop 1.11K
instant_technology >= 0.5.11 872
EasyGaming 837
Landfill-plus-SE 805
Space-Efficient-Rail-Signals 788
NPUtils_LITEv2 769
Based-Gaming-One-Tiberium >= 0.6.18 692
progressive-tech-multiplier 643
KiithsRebalance 638
OreEverywhereButNotVisiblePlus >= 0.5.30 603
TankK2SEBuildingTweaks 574
logistic_belt 574
timed_technology_all >= 0.5.11 557
uu-matter >= 0.5.25 538
LinkPipes >= 0.5.30 354
FreeRailByHand 351
Factorio-Tiberium-Makocb-Fork >= 0.6.18 329
enemytechnology >= 0.5.11 318
SE-arrange-list >= 0.5.30 268
interplanetary-krastorio 257
mining-drill-on-water 252
se-k2-buding >= 0.6.27 244
more-defenders >= 0.6.20 223
discovery_tree_extended 181
Landfill-plus-SE-2 163
better-blahaj 114
probabilistic-smelting 80
Sixs-Tweaks >= 0.6.18 68
AivanF 60
Nihilist_K2SE_Tweaks 50
BCT 42
THiveModFix 33
egladil-compat >= 0.6.18 32
demotp 22
Last dependency data update: 15 hours ago (for v0.6.30)