Space Exploration Angels Compatibility

by Pengwin

This mod is meant to increase compatibility between Space Exploration and Angel's Mods. See details for more info. It was build for Space Exploration 2 and will not work properly with newer versions. (SE 3 +)

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g A conflict between Angel's Inustry and Space Exploration

4 years ago

There is a conflict between fully enabled Angel's Industry (turn on all the mod setting options) and Space Exploration.
The key issue seems is at the Rocket Science tech.

Is it possiable that you fix it?

4 years ago

Maybe. Can you explain it a bit more? I need more details to give you a concrete answer.
- Which mod is causing problems and why?
- Is the game crashing or just some items not obtainable?

4 years ago

All the mods are the newest at this time.
1. enable angle's industry and all the overhauls in its mod setting.
2. enable the Space Exploration mods, at this time, you will have a error on load, something about duplicate components of a recipe.
3. enable all the bob mods, now a tech loop error will appear on load. I think the key change is made by bob's electronic? And the key conflict tech seems is Space Science (the white bottle).
4. enable AAI industry, finally, we can enter game, with a soft tech loop. The new Red Science tech from angel's requires Basic Fluid Handling by AAI, which requires red tech to research.

I hope I can play SE with angels+bobs. (the coal stage from AAI is actually kinda painful)
Thanks for response

4 years ago

Have you tried disabling bobs?

4 years ago

The steps are additive, so at step 2, there are only angels and SE

4 years ago

Ok. I think I found one of the issues. I have to contact Angel and try to get it fixed first. Maybe then everything should work to step 2. For everything afterwards I cannot guarantee since it is not related to compatibility between Angels & Space Exploration.

4 years ago

Work up to step 2 is good enough, will the fix happen soon?

4 years ago

Dont know. I posted it on Angels Bug Tracker / Github. No response yet. But I guess you can ask them yourself if you want to push this topic and add a comment there. You find the posted bug here:

4 years ago

Sorry for slow response, the angels teams is a bit busy with real life stuff. Hope to get to it soon.
Do agree that its a prominent issue.

4 years ago

The bug should be fixed. The developer from the correspoding Angel Mod gave me a message.

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