Space Exploration Angels Compatibility

by Pengwin

This mod is meant to increase compatibility between Space Exploration and Angel's Mods. See details for more info. It was build for Space Exploration 2 and will not work properly with newer versions. (SE 3 +)

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18


Version: 0.2.6
Date: 2020.03.27
    - Small fix to remove some debug code i forgot, which would break events for
      an edge case
Version: 0.2.5
Date: 2020.03.26
    - Fixed Asteroid Miner rotation
    - Fixed Asteroid Miner animation
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 2020.03.26
    - Quick fix for the Asteroid Miner

  Known issues:
    - The entity cannot be rotated at the moment, but at least the mod wont crash.
      Dust can be mined. I will try to fix this as soon as possible.
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 2020.02.24
    - Update to 0.18
    - Added thumbnail
    - Might now work with the latest version. Tested with Factorio 18.8 and the
      mentioneddependency versions. Will be updated as soon as issues in
      dependencies are fixed.

  Known issues:
    - The latest version of Space Exploration changed the core miner drill. It
      was reported to crash the game.
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 2020.02.04
  Recipe Support:
    - Added support for Angel's Smelting Washing Plant recipes (Viscous Water and
      filter steps)
      So now you can start the washing production in space lines and get: Geodes,
      Limestone, Sand, Washed Sand, Clay
    - Added new miner for asteroid dust. Placeable on asteroids.(thx to Earendel
      for allowing me to use the great core miner model of Space Exploration). 
      Since there is no seafloor pump, players will be unable to get viscous
      water. The player can now harvest asteroid dust and craft it
      with water to get a slurry: Viscous water! The decontamination plant
      will serve as building to wash the muddy waters.
    - Added German locale

    - Fixed the ingame modportal changelog

  Known issues:
    - The rotation of the drills output is random when placing it and not working
      as expected when using it in blueprints. Rotation has to be adjusted by hand.
      Inconvenient, but accepted for this release.
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2020.01.13
  Recipe Support:
    - Added support for Angel's Smelting Cooling Tower recipes
      Missing Cooling Tower recipes are now available in
      Space Explorations Hypercooler
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2020.01.12
  Recipe Support:
    - All following recipes were added to available Space Explorations buildings
      Biochemical Laboratory
      Decontamination Facility
      Growth Facility
      Mechanical Laboratory
      Space Manufactory
      Thermodynamics Laboratory
    - Added support for most Angel's Smelting recipes 
      (Mostly in Thermodynamics Lab)
    - Added support for most Angel's Refining recipes 
      (Mostly in Decontamination Facility)
    - Added support for most Angel's Petro Chemical Processing recipes 
      (Mostly in Biochemical Laboratory)
    - Added support for single Angel's Bio Processing to allow cultivation of algae 
      (Growth Facility)

  Building Support:
    - Thermal Water Extractor can be place in space setups
    - Jax 35 Tank can be place in space setups
    - Added as an intermediate solution to give players a bigger tank
      since liquid cannot be voided yet. This could be done by the clarifier,
      but that building does not suit the space setting. Sorry.
    - Flare Stack can be place in space setups
    - Added as a intermediate solution to give players a option to vent gas
      to space. Not really fitting in the space setting.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020.01.03
    - Initial release
    - Added some support for Angel's Petro Chemical Processing
    - Re-Enabling production of lubricant in space by allowing Space Explorations'
      biochem labs to access Angel's "steam-cracking" crafting group. (Only
      accessable by Angel's Steam Crackers, which cannot be built in space).
    - Allowing Plastic Bar crafting in space by enabling Space Explorations
      biochem labs to  access Angel's "liquifying" crafting group. This allows
      a production line via biochem lab & assembling machine(last step).