Sosciencity [WIP]

Factorio: Skylines. Adds citizens to the game. Attract various castes to your city in order to progress the game.

10 months ago

g Game lockup trying to shuffle population around.

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

These tall buildings are really neat, but I'm not liking putting short buildings behind tall ones because I want to see them. To that end, I'm trying to swap the location of two houses, putting a shorter one in front of a taller one. I don't want to lose the population, so I'm also dropping some extra housing to take these poor huwans while I rework their homes.

In this case, there is a Orchid summer house behind an Ember I-forget-the-name tall 40-occupancy building.
I place two spring houses, assign them to Orchid, then try to remove the summer house. The game hangs.
If I place zero or one Orchid spring houses, things seem fine, though I lose people.
A third spring house did not help either.

A copy of my save is available here:
It is at the start of the scenario, before any spring houses are placed for the move.

10 months ago

Thank you for reporting. I was able to replicate this. I'll try and have this fixed soon.

10 months ago

Confirmed fixed in 0.1.7. Thanks!

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