Sosciencity [WIP]

Factorio: Skylines. Adds citizens to the game. Attract various castes to your city in order to progress the game.

10 months ago

g Need Wiki/InformaTron

2 years ago

After spending around 2-3 days I can say that this mod has potential but needs more in-game info.
InformaTron (that is the name of another mod) is a good place for that. A lot of mods like Space Exploration use it as a source of information for players due to mod complexity. This way you could split them into sections like "Clockworks" that would contain all the info about that cast (like what they need/like, where/what machines need them, etc.).

Ps. On the topic of Clockwork cast, do their buildings/homes need to be next to the machines (is there a range of their influence) or can I just build their homes wherever and they will boost my machines "on the other end of the map"?

2 years ago

That's the 3rd suggestion for Informatron integration. I guess I'll look into that.

It depends if you mean the maintenance mechanic. There it doesn't matter where the buildings and machines are placed.
And then there are buildings with a "needs workers"-mention in the tooltip, e.g. the Clockwork HQ. These need to be placed in range of houses of the specified castes. The range is the big rectangle that gets rendered on mouseover.
I guess that's something that could be explained with the Informatron. :)

10 months ago

An integration of Informatron would be greatly appreciated, or perhaps a section could be added to the integrated version by the Factorio developers (the tips and tricks gui).

I hope it's okay to ask this here (or should I open a new post?). How can I control where people work? This is important because I have two cabins and two workplaces. One of the workplaces is only covered by one of the cabins. However, the workers from this cabin choose to work in the workplace that is covered by both. Having smarter workers would be even better, I suppose.

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