Periodic logging of production/consumption stats. Can be copy/pasted into libreoffice calc (and likely excel) for more detailed analysis.
how to use:
-1: Build what you want to benchmark, prepare it so that it is idle and ready to be started.
0: save game. (example: bench_smelter)
1: reset force - /measured-command game.player.force.reset();
2: prepare force - /measured-command game.player.force.chart_all(); game.player.force.research_all_technologies();
possibly run other commands to prepare.
3: add the last straw to start running your productionfacility (likely the one missing powerpole to your electric energy interface)
4: immediately save game. (example: bench_smelter_run)
5: exit game.
6: load mod.
7: exit factorio.
8: run factorio in benchmark mode.
bin/x64/factorio --disable-audio --benchmark saves/ --benchmark-ticks 500000
9: wait.
10: analyse for example the items/ups production of your build in libreoffice calc. (thats why i wrote this mod.)
general notes:
+ use as few mods as possible.
+ store results and re-run benchmark a few times
+ this mod can be kept loaded at all times. (I keep forgetting to disable it all the time)... But it WILL spam your factorio-current.log every 7200 ticks - which slows the game considerably, if you have a huge production stats table - disable this mod, when playing normally.