Solar Productivity

by RedRafe

Increase the efficiency of Solar panels and Accumulators by progressing through technology!

17 days ago

b [Solved] Small problem with the productivity bonus

9 months ago

Somehow it seems that when Solar Panels are placed via Blueprint with Robots/Nanites(Mod) they don't get the productivity bonus

Written with Deepl

8 months ago

So that it doesn't go under

5 months ago

I'm not using Nanites nor robots, but either way blueprints place solar panels / accumulators with just as much production / storage as I had when I made the blueprint and they don't get updated after building. A workaround seems to be updating the blueprints after each researched level.

5 months ago

Hi, I'm sorry but the mod has been tested, and I re-checked, and the constuction by bots or by player works correctly. Without more information is quite hard for me to figure out what other mod may be causing interference

5 months ago

Also try update to latest version, it may fix it

5 months ago

It looks like it did - placing the "old" blueprint shows solar panels with old values, but after building it manually the solar panel has the upgraded production. Thanks!

The issue still persists when using Klonan's Kruise Kontrol mod ( to revive ghosts, but since it hasn't been updated in years I don't think that's such a big issue. It's probably that mod's bug with raising events properly or something like that, I'll check it out when I can. For this mod I think the issue is solved, if anyone else is using KK, beware of its possible issues. :)

4 months ago

Fixed the KruiseKontrol issue with v4.0.0 (can revive ghosts whit KK and they'll be upgraded). Let me know if there are other issues not yet addressed on this topic

4 months ago

Awesome! Can confirm, KK works correctly and replaces built entities now. Thanks!

Let me know if there are other issues not yet addressed on this topic

I don't think there are any more issues. I've also installed Nanobots to see if it works correctly and it seems there are no issues there either.

4 months ago

Wonderful. Feel free to open another discussion if anything else pops up

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