Social Distancing Beacons

Beacons can't be placed within each others' distribution range. An alternative to beacon interference mechanic.

8 months ago

b Placement guide

8 months ago

mod Placement Guide over-writes placement restriction

8 months ago

mod pumps on landfill also breaks it

8 months ago

mod Tapeline also breaks it for whatever reason

8 months ago

I think it's fixed, can you give it a test? At least it works properly with those 3 mods for me now, but I'm not sure whether it's caused by other mods on your side.

8 months ago

I mean there might be more to find, but I went through all the mods I had and enabled more until it had an issue. I’ll test again when home. Thanks again for the update, and a unique beacon feature

8 months ago

yup, works good for me :D

8 months ago

Nice. I'm going to update this mod tomorrow and add customizable beacon stats.

7 months ago

No customizable beacon stats 😔
I'm a little busy recently, maybe I'll work on it later.

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