Sky's Infinite Modules

by SkyKiwi

Adds more configuration options to modules, and allows you to change how many tiers of each module there are. Huge credit to tocko73 for the original ModuleOverhaul. Infinity icon from Stockio on

6 months ago

b Unable to load mod, missing productivity-module-4 recipe

6 months ago

Basically the previous version worked. I do have another mod, that should also add productivity-module-4 (space module mod). Maybe they fight each other? Previous version of this mod worked fine with it.

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Sorry for the late response, life has been in the way lately.

Installing Space Module breaks it for me too, so yeah that looks like an incompatibility. I'm a little perplexed how it worked with the previous version and not the new one. I'll try to take a look soon, but it might just be incompatible. Perhaps I'll just add a compatibility-mode that gives the new modules a more unique internal name.

5 months ago

👋 no worries. New name would probably be the best. Or mark the space module mod as incompatible I guess, but that would make me sad

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