Single Train Unit

Adds a single train unit that is the standard length, but include storage and can travel in both directions

1 year, 11 months ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 20.0.12
Date: 2022-12-27
    - Handle mods that remove some train lights, i.e. RealisticFlashlight. The lights may look a little off after this, but stops the crash at least.
Version: 20.0.11
Date: 2020-12-01
    - Update to Factorio 1.1.
    - Whitelist setting for disabling standard locomotives and wagons added.
    - Add support for Schall Armoured Trains mod and its nuclear trains. Requires the mods settings to enbale the component rolling wtock types.
    - For Disable standard locomotives and wagons option - exclude Vehicle Wagon by default.
    - When Space Exploration mod is active and standard locomotives and wagons are disabled, an item only (non placable) version of the locomotive will always be craftable for use in science.
    - Detect and fix when an STU ends up with both locos facing the same way. Core Factorio behaviour I just correct, rather than avoid.
Version: 19.0.10
Date: 2020-11-12
    - Option to disable non single train unit locomotives and wagons. Artillery wagons are left in the game with this setting.
    - Add support for Zombies Extended higher tier trains.
    - Fix crash with pasting blueprinted single train unit with fuel in editor mode.
    - When pasting blueprinted single train unit with fuel in editor mode, the fuel is duplicated to each loco part, not split between them.
    - When taking a blueprint of a single train unit, the greatest fuel count of the highest fuel value will be taken. Nefore only the first count of best fuel found was used.
    - Fixed some possible edge case when blueprinted single train units wouldn't load fuel. May only occur with un-tested fuel load mods.
Version: 19.0.9
Date: 2020-10-24
    - Only 1 entry in the bonus screen now per unit type.
    - Space Exploration with Krastorio 2 no longer messes up the nuclear train recipe.
Version: 19.0.8
Date: 2020-10-18
    - Fix Space Exploration Integration not unlocking recipes.
Version: 19.0.7
Date: 2020-10-04
    - Cargo capacity, weight, burner effectivity and burner inventory size are mod configurable.
    - Compatible with Space Exploration, AAI Industry & Krastorio2 (individually and togeather).
    - Recipes are auto generated now. They are generally 2 locomotives and any missing or higher ingredient count from the wagon part. However, some mods have different balance to corrispond to their own tier costs.
    - Single Train Unit fluid wagon type is locked behind the fluid wagon research.
    - Includes expensive recipes where the other train types include them.
    - Other mod versions of Single Train Units should cover all prototype attributes now.
    - Wagon door images are tinted when in station.
    - Mod's data stage is all done on final stage now to react to other mods changing recipes and prototype details.
Version: 19.0.6
Date: 2020-09-26
    - When a single train unit is blueprinted its schedule is kept. Only supports a single train unit within a bluprint, otherwise all single train units in the blueprint get the same schedule.
    - When a single train unit is blueprinted its cargo inventory filtering and limit (red bar) is applied to the pasted copies.
    - Remove the mod tracking single train units via force grouping. Wasn't used for anything and prevent single train units parts changing force.
    - Single Train Units with equipment grids added have them on all parts now, not just the wagon part. Means legs and shields can be used across the train.
    - When mining any part of a single train unit the mod will take all the items from the other parts of the unit to try and fill your inventory first. This should reduce the games habit of mining things and dumping contents from other parts of the unit on the ground. This may lead to slightly odd items left in a train if you can't take it all, but better than leaving lots of contents on the floor.
    - Fix event mismatch error when loading the mod on to an existing save.
    - Made the migration scripts only run for when upgrading from older versions than their features were introduced at.
    - Fix error if only tiles (no entities) are in a Blueprint.
    - Fix loss of collecting cargo wagon contents before trying to mine a single unit train from previous change.
    - Fix grid equipment beign lost if a player mined a unit and their inventory was filled, but Facotrio still mined the part of the single train unit.
    - Fix error when player driven vehicle causes collision damage to single train unit.
    - Track Wagon unit numbers (ids) better so I can keep the global tables clean.
Version: 19.0.5
Date: 2020-09-19
    - Repair the locomitive parts of any single train units from older versions, as since 19.0.4 only the wagon part takes damage to ensure only 1 health bar.
    - Fix that the wagon (middle) part taking damage could never do the final kill to the single train unit, only the end loco's could.
    - A non entity (player in editor mode) killing a single train unit crashed the mod.
    - Fixed that only 1 single train unit would take damage from a single action, i.e. grenade.
    - Think I must have been half asleep when I did the damage handling overhaul in 19.0.4.
Version: 19.0.4
Date: 2020-09-19
    - Add specific support for the Fill4Me mod. When it places fuel in the single train unit placement wagon from your inventory, the same type of fuel is placed in both ends of the single train unit from your inventory.
    - Added FactorioExtended and FactorioExtended Plus versions of the single train units.
    - Support for single train units being bluerpinted with fuel in them. The best fuel type is set as the request for all trains in the blueprint.
    - Any fuel placed in to the placement wagons by mods (other than Fill4Me) will be distributed equally across the 2 ends of the single train unit. Any spare fuel is returned to the builder. Previously it was lost.
    - Support for BatteryPack mod.
    - Locomotive parts Info GUI drawing is now just a blank image, rather than being of the wheels (on hover tooltip image shown).
    - Only 1 health bar per single train unit now. Single train unit parts health will now keep the locos at full health and transfer all damage to the cargo wagon part. This does mean train collisions against a damaged signle train unit will take too much speed from the ramming train, but should have no other negative effects. Does mean that bots only repair one part of the train now as well as the single health bar.
    - An event that damages multiple parts of a unit will no longer accumilate damage too fast. i.e. a grenade hitting all 3 parts used to do triple damage to the overal single train units health. However, doing multiple damages from 1 event (explosive rocket) only do the single max damage ad not the impact plus blast damage. Is less of an issue than before.
    - Test with a bunch of other mods and record to readme.
    - Renamed a lot of the mod prototypes so they are logical and built from sub names to allow better mod compatibility.
    - Improved behaviour of anti disconnecting logic to not affect other wagon types in a common train.
    - Mining/deconstructing a single train unit returns any grid equipment it had to your inventory. Previously they were lost.
    - If a mined single unit train was undone and the bot placement failed due to being blocked the single unit train is returned by the bot and standard placement information chat message shown. Before the mod hard errored.
    - Fixed Cargo & Fluid wagon parts Info GUI drawing is now the full image (on hover tooltip image shown).
    - Fix missing "type" meta data on existing single train units. Generate missing train data on mod load.
    - If a damaged single train unit is placed it maintains the damage, unlike before.
    - Placement entities should list the correct weight and burner effectivity now, same as the real locomitive parts of the single train units.
    - Fix the alert (no fuel) alert position.
Version: 19.0.3
Date: 2020-09-07
    - WIP graphics are turned off by default, as they are jarring when they flash between states.
    - Fixed loading mod on to existing MP game save.
Version: 19.0.2
Date: 2020-09-06
    - Add fluid wagon type
    - Handle if players inventory is full when the unit is mined equally to a chest of items being mined.
    - Blueprint, Ghosting & Deconstruction all supported.
    - Added item icon graphics.
    - Added Work In Progress train graphics that are correct when stopped in stations for the cargo wagon. Startup setting to enable/disable.
    - Size of train unit changed since POC release (18.0.1) to only 6 inserters long (2-2-2). Was requiired as part of adding fluid wagons.
    - Quick Select (Q) works.
    - Moved to min Factorio version 1.0
    - Not compatible with older versions. See end of readme for details.
Version: 18.0.1
Date: 2020-07-15
    - Initial Demo release
Version: 18.0.0
Date: 2020-06-27
    - Initial POC