Filter Combinator

Provides a filter combinator, which lets you filter any number of signals from the input. Does not alter the signal level and is valid for every signal level. Implemented in terms of circuitry rather than on_tick for performance. 3 ticks of delay between input and output. Compatible with Space Exploration.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network

b [Fixed] Error while running event silent-filter-combinator::on_player_setup_blueprint (ID 77)

3 months ago

Мод Filter Combinator (2.0.2) вызвал неустранимую ошибку.
Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке автору мода.

Error while running event silent-filter-combinator::on_player_setup_blueprint (ID 77)
silent-filter-combinator/control.lua:877: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
silent-filter-combinator/control.lua:877: in function 'save_to_blueprint'
silent-filter-combinator/control.lua:927: in function <silent-filter-combinator/control.lua:907>

As well It is impossible to open a combinator on a space platform

3 months ago

Should be fixed with 2.0.3 Thanks.

3 months ago


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