Filter Combinator

Provides a filter combinator, which lets you filter any number of signals from the input. Does not alter the signal level and is valid for every signal level. Implemented in terms of circuitry rather than on_tick for performance. 3 ticks of delay between input and output. Compatible with Space Exploration.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network

b [Factorio Issue] When updating a blueprint the filters are erased

1 year, 24 days ago

As I've mentioned in the other thread I've found a bug that causes blueprints to not save the filter settings of a Filter Combinator:

If you choose the option to select new contents for a blueprint (the blue button on the corner of a opened blueprint) any Filter Combinators in the updated blueprint get their filters erased.

11 months ago

As far as I can tell, Factorio does not allow access to this. Events are raised but you never get to know the actual blueprint, nor get the option to adjust it for additional data required.

9 months ago

This is the bug that PR #4 on your repo fixes.

9 months ago

It's not actually.

8 months ago

Wube decided to fix this in 2.0 instead of 1.x, so this will continue to be an issue until some time after October 21st.

New response