Filter Combinator

Provides a filter combinator, which lets you filter any number of signals from the input. Does not alter the signal level and is valid for every signal level. Implemented in terms of circuitry rather than on_tick for performance. 3 ticks of delay between input and output. Compatible with Space Exploration.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network

b [Fixed] Unpickable?

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Nice mod, filtering is good, and even better if it's done in one single entity.

I just installed it on my save. It seems to work just fine, but I cannot pick it up from the ground. I can remove it, but it won't appear on my inventory.

And more. When I put it on the ground, it has only 20 signal slots. To increase the number of signal slots, I need to fill it, close it and reopen it, so I can have more signal slots.

1 year, 1 month ago

I never noticed that, but then again I wasn't paying attention as a lost Combinator is not a big deal where I am at. Thanks for the report, will look into that.
As for the limited slots, yes that is by design. I chose 20 kind of arbitrarily because it fits nicely into the UI without producing a scrollbar and I figured most people don't filter more than 20 signals. Originally there were a lot of slots, however that seems to cause a slight delay especially on servers. I guess I might make that an option for how many empty slots there will be by default.

1 year, 1 month ago

I use about 30 filters now, I use all of those to calculate what I need to ship to different surfaces on SE. Either way, I set up a requesting signal, and filtering by another wire saves a lot of work. I only filter for debugging. It's easy to understand what I need and what I have in excess.

1 year, 1 month ago

No idea how that ever happened, However it is fixed with 1.0.2.
Thanks again for the help.

There is now also a startup setting, allowing you to change the number of empty slots when you open the UI.

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