Hey Shivero,
I'm a bit stupid, I tried to change this line in the datafixes.lua line
data.raw["recipe"]["kovarex-enrichment-process"].energy_required = 500
To adjust the 1000s crafting time from the enrichment process. Even removing that line and the 3 in the data-updates-lua.
krastorio.recipes.replaceIngredient("kovarex-enrichment-process", "uranium-235", { name = "uranium-235", amount = 30 })
krastorio.recipes.replaceIngredient("kovarex-enrichment-process", "uranium-238", { name = "uranium-238", amount = 3 })
krastorio.recipes.setEnergyCost("kovarex-enrichment-process", 1000)
The only thing I've achieved is getting the crafting time back to 60s but the real observed is under a second.
Can you explain how to set the crafting time correctly?
My goal is something about 240s.