Shiveros Nuclear Overhaul for SE

by Shivero

Adds a Nuclear Power Overhaul as Standalone compatible with Space Exploration

2 years ago

i A few questions and suggestions

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)
  1. Why do the fuel cells use the centrifuge when the normal uranium fuel cell uses an assembler? These should probably be made consistent

  2. Why are the breeder reactors basically assemblers, and don't function like normal reactors? Seems like combining all the ingredients of each breeding recipes into a single fuel cell you put into a reactor would be easier to manage and provide a more consistent steam output. Another machine could craft the depleted cell into the product output. You could probably have a different-sized reactor from the stock one to make things more interesting

  3. Could there be some clarification on what the numbers describing the different breeding cycles mean in game?

  4. Could there be some additional usages for thorium? Like bullets, or something? I end up having a large stockpile of the stuff that I can't really use.

2 years ago

Hey thanks for you thoughts. Im trying to explain some of the questions you have

  1. Basically its a game, and i dont see a problem using a centrifuge to make a fuel cell which basically makes sense as some indegriedents can be powderized/oxididised and then centrifuged or whatever to fit the fuel cell. So why not in a centrifuge when it actually makes sense? (And honestly ive also seen that in other mods)

  2. Breeder Reactors are basically assemblers because breeding is actually a manufacturing process. That was my intention cause you cant breed stuff from dead/used cells.

  3. Im not exactly sure what numbers you exactly mean but i think this might be the Efficiency.
    But for example the Uraniom Cell Process it usually has 8 GJ, while breeding it still has 8GJ but only 30% of the energy are conversed into Steam, the rest of the fission is going into indegriedents to enrich them which also requires neutrons and thus costing nuclear energy. So 30% is Steam energy and 70% is used to enrich products.

  4. I cant use Thorium for Bullets cause its relativley soft with a Mohs hardness of 3. On my main map i use thorium/uraniom cells for regular power equal and i have no problem with thoriom piling up, i usually find myself with piled up U238. But you can still use that to breed plutonium from it. Im strongly thinking about a second way to make Fission Data not only from U235 but a second recipe using PU239. Unfortunatly i cant make a Kovarex like early tech thing because in reality its harder to enrich Thorion and the most common way to enrich it is in a breeding reactor.

I hope i was helping you.

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