The chat only tells you the name, you used to have to open the universe explorer to get more details.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 2024. 09. 15 Commits: - Avoid printing resource & threat info for stars
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2024. 01. 31 Commits: - Prevent nil from appearing in the chat after launching a satellite
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2024. 01. 30 Commits: - Key with text instead of icons - Settle on a message and a thumbnail - Skip printing if there are several new zones - Fix 〃 - Support discovering zones by satellite - Mod portal release
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 2024. 01. 30 Commits: - Stash proof of concept