Scooty's Armor Swap

Adds a key binding (default: the "\" key) that equips the next armor in your inventory and sets your player color to the color that was last used with that armor. Rapidly cycle among color-coded armors specialized for different purposes!

17 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i 💡 bar?

1 year, 9 months ago

thank you for this awesome mod. but i was wandering if it would be possible to add like some more slots to hold the armor, and cycal it like the whepons hot bar?

thanks for the read.

1 year, 2 months ago

That's a great idea. I'd personally love to have a window that lets you name the armors in your inventory, pick a color from there (instead of having to set a player color while wearing it) and a checkbox for whether or not to include it in armor cycling. Is that what you had in mind? If not, could you describe your idea in more detail?

1 year, 2 months ago

yes that is basicly what i was thinking. Like the weapons hot bar But for your armor insted. and yes if you could pick the color of the armorthat would be sick.

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