Scooty's Armor Swap

Adds a key binding (default: the "\" key) that equips the next armor in your inventory and sets your player color to the color that was last used with that armor. Rapidly cycle among color-coded armors specialized for different purposes!

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
3 years ago
Latest Version:
2.1.0 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
4.26K users

I recommend the following:

  1. Color code your armors using the /color console command and use colors that are easy to remember: Red for combat, blue for movement speed, white for Space, and your favorite color for building stuff. Don't try to set your player color while jetpacking; the makers of the mod don't plan on supporting that.

  2. Keep 1-2 more emergency armors near your spawn point loaded up with a mix of movement and defense for corpse runs. Color code those something very bright (like yellow or lime green) so that your corpse is more visible.

  3. If you switch to an armor that doesn't have a personal roboport, any of your character's construction bots currently in the air will be "orphaned", and fly back to base. Because of this, I recommend keeping 1 personal roboport in each armor so that if you cycle through your armors, you don't lose your bots. You don't have to be able to power the token personal roboport for this to work - for example, my Jetpack armor usually consists of all jetpacks and 1 personal roboport.

  4. The bottleneck for construction is almost always your ability to power your personal roboports. For your builder armor, I recommend loading up on generators, batteries and solar panels more than personal roboports, and focusing on building infrastructure like power lines, roboports and supply trains rather so that non-personal construction robots can finish the job.

  5. An armor's batteries don't recharge unless you're wearing the armor, so make sure you put on your combat armor and charge it up before using it. It's a bit cheesy but you can keep multiple suits of combat armor and cycle them as their power runs low.

  6. For combat: Discharge defense + a personal flamethrower is godly for kiting bugs. Poison capsules are amazing for killing worms. A rocket launcher is great for sniping nests. For SE, the grappling hook can quickly get you out of tight spots.