Scooty's Armor Swap

Adds a key binding (default: the "\" key) that equips the next armor in your inventory and sets your player color to the color that was last used with that armor. Rapidly cycle among color-coded armors specialized for different purposes!

17 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g ❤️ Thanks for this mod!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thanks for this one! Been doing this with an AHK macro but sometimes it misfires for various reasons (most notably if an autosave happens at the same time) and drops the armor on the ground, spilling my inventory.

One request if it isn't too much trouble is that I like to lock my armours to the very bottom right slots of my inventory ( It looks like your mod will scan the inventory until there's a gap and then stop. This means that if I lock my armours in the bottom right like I normally do then the mod doesn't work.

3 years ago

Ooh, good note. I'll add that ASAP.

3 years ago

This should be addressed in v1.1.0, uploaded just now. Please give it a try and let me know if it's working for you!

3 years ago

That did the trick. Now I can lock armours at the bottom like I usually do and still swap them with the hotkey. Thanks!

3 years ago

No problem! Thanks for the bug report and for enjoying my mod!

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