Scooty's Armor Swap

Adds a key binding (default: the "\" key) that equips the next armor in your inventory and sets your player color to the color that was last used with that armor. Rapidly cycle among color-coded armors specialized for different purposes!

17 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g 💡 Slated Improvements

3 years ago

Armor Coloring - switch to a particular armor using the mod and it changes your player color to whatever it was when you last switched from that armor

No Item Dropping - ignore armors in inventory that, if equipped, would cause you to drop items onto the ground

Both "Back" and "Forward" keys (low priority)

3 years ago

Armor coloring added in 0.2.0. Working on No Item Dropping next!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Scan whole inventory instead of stopping at first empty slot. (Thanks for this suggestion, dag_)

1 year, 10 months ago

Next improvement is to fixing "dyeing while dying":

In my SE game I keep a box with emergency backup armor next to the respawn point. I have this armor dyed Green, but when I put it on, it dyes it to the color I died with (usually red, since that's the color of my combat armor). The next improvement will be to see if I can hook the armor changed event (if there is one) so that any kind of armor change automatically changes your player color.

New response