Salvage Quickstart

by therax

If you make it through the aftermath of your spaceship's catastrophic landing unscathed, salvaging the wreckage for advanced technology will make your survival and eventual escape from this misbegotten place much easier. Eases the early game without unbalancing the mid game.

5 years ago

i add mining statisics to the drill?

5 years ago

when first using it, it doesnt show how much ore is left under it, like the vanilla ones do, would be useful to know if it stops working so i can figure out why. otherwise it is well though out, and i like the idea with the builtin chests. :}

5 years ago

Unfortunately I can’t show that and also have the chest be openable, since drills don’t have inventories. I tried in 0.1.0 to have both the drill part and chest visible, but it makes control-clicking the chest to get the ore fiddly and annoying.

5 years ago

Fair enough, thanks for explaining. Still using the mod ; )

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