Resource Spawner Overhaul

by orzelek

Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.

24 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Vanilla Biter Option Not Working

20 hours ago
(updated 19 hours ago)

So basically i turned off "RSO handles bitter generation" generated a new world and used creative mod radar to scan the area to see how this mod fairs with the dlc NOT A SINGLE BITER NEST and this is on a death world.

I prefer to play with the more clustered Vanilla biters on my deathworlds. The default settings are working fine and are spawning in bitters

20 hours ago

And you also turned the startup option to allow vanilla generation to on?
Those are two separate options.

19 hours ago

Oh didnt see that option will see if that fixes it

19 hours ago
(updated 19 hours ago)

Just tick off that option and it seems that fixed the issue thanks ! On a side not what would be a similar settings to deathworld if I used this mod own biter generation?

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