Resource Spawner Overhaul

by orzelek

Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.

22 hours ago
0.14 - 2.0

i Space age suggestion

2 days ago

Thank you very much for the update. I have a suggestion - would it be possible to check in the configuration which worlds RSO should generate? For large regions, for example, I have no tungsten 1024 around the base position on Vulcanus (but many regions with worms remain). I want to search very far away on Nauvis, but not on Vulcanus. Fulgora looks the same, there's probably always scrap on small islands. I don't know the other worlds yet :)

Probably a workaround will work: disable RSO before landing on a new planet. But the option to check it in the config would be cool.

And thanks for the awesome mod!

2 days ago

Yeah Vulcanus is a potential problem. I haven't got a good solution for it yet atm - I'm ok as long as you have it in small dmeolishers areas because medium will be hard to tackle at this stage. I'm not yet sure how to guarantee that in generation because it doesn't do that.
And tackling med might be impossible at early stage - maybe with nukes but I didn't try.

a day ago

Is it possible to actually disable it on different planets? Because that might be enough by itself for the moment.

a day ago

There are no options for that and only Vulcanus has potential problem. Other planets don't have this kind of gating.
You would need to add tungsted to both resource ignore lists to make RSO not touch it on Vulcanus and thats a bit hidden in the code.

I did check few Vulcanus gens and it would have a tungsten in small demo land. I'm actually thinking about figuring a way to "move" med demos a bit further out but I have to check how to do that.

a day ago

Perhaps a toggle with Tungsten, then. Though in theory it should be quite common, since the number of ores on other planets that can spawn are fewer, wouldn't that make them not compete with other ores? Or is that not how that works?

a day ago

It is like that but I did add some resource frequency reduction to planets other then Nauvis so that for example Gleba is not spammed with tons of stone everywhere. Maybe I should remove that multiplier from Vulcanus - it gets 75% of settings resource chance atm.
On the other hand I think that med demolisher is not an gambe blocking obstacle even if you go to vulcanus first? (nukes should work on itfrom what I've heard).

a day ago

It is more about gameplay. On Nauvis, I start building empire. Core of megabase. It is cool search for resources while early research and first mall is running on starting resources.
But on Vulcanus, tungsten is main goal and all Vulcanus specific things are depending on tungsten. So long searching and conquering tungsten ore is not funny (imho).

But if it is complicated to implement, i will just disable RSO before landing on Vulcanus. It shoud be enough for first Vulcanus map generation. Then inable RSO again to prevent issues with radar revealing new sectors on Nauvis etc.

a day ago

There is a reverse solution but I'm not sure if I want to use it. I could make tungsten land in the starting area as the other two and that would always guarantee a spawn of it that is for sure demolisher free.

22 hours ago

I went with this solution with small tweak. You will get a "starting area" patch of tungsten on Vulcanus. With the small offset to make it slightly away from normal starting area but within small demolisher zone.
If you have already landed on Vulcanus there is a new command that will fix it:
/rso-regenerate-surface all
(all has to be there as without it it works as normal one and doesn't touch starting ores)

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