Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.
Mod category: Tweaks
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Hi orzelek, in you calls to create_entity and destroy, could you include their respective raise parameters set to true, so they'll raise their respective events? I have a mod I'm working on that needs to know when some entities are created or destroyed, but without these events being raised, it has no way of knowing.
My mod does affect both, but enemies are the primary concern. That said, I think I've some other mods listening to the script_raised_built (like Rampant) for resources, so don't see the harm in doing both?
I can try with both but I'm not sure how it will affect spawning of ores in terms of performance. It's already on slow side since it can create lots of entities at once.
Thanks. When I have time tonight (~8 hrs), I’ll take a look.
I don’t think your adding the raise events will inherently slow things down (for ores). I think it’ll depend on what other mods are installed that are listening to that event and what they do with it that will affect that.
Well, maybe I won’t be testing tonight. :P Got home from work later than I expected and am very tired. Only got an hour before I need to be to bed to get enough sleep to do it again tomorrow! XD Although, I should be home at a more reasonable hour. :P