Resource Spawner Overhaul

by orzelek

Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.

25 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

i Dyworld Enemies

4 years ago

Dyworld currently has different enemies than the vanilla world, when using RSO they dont spawn, only vanilla ones

DyWorld/data/warfare/enemies/... should contain the information needed do develop

4 years ago

I looked at this and I'm sorry to say you might need to switch to vanilla enemy generation in RSO and disable the built in one.
DyWorld has enemy tier generator with 20 tiers and making config that take all of that into account is a bit of work. And I'm not sure how frequently that part changes.

4 years ago

I see, well, unfortunately, i tested changing into vanilla but it still rewrites all new enemies as vanilla spawns

is it not possible to just disable RSO bitter spawning mecanics if Dyworld is on? Dyworld is not compatible with any other warfare mod, specially mods that add new enemies or modify the current ones

4 years ago

There is a startup option to enable vanilla spawning and map option to use RSO biter gen. So enable vanilla one and disable RSO one and should work.

4 years ago

i did it but it still spawns vanilla (if you meant the one it the "startup" tab on "mod options" window )

4 years ago

Did you also disable Use RSO biter generation in map settings?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

might have made a mistake there,just a sec to test it out

EDIT, aparently i did not disable RSO generation. It does work normaly
Thx for the heads up

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