Resource Spawner Overhaul

by orzelek

Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.

25 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

g pycoal update added ores and rso doesnt spawn them

6 years ago

pycoals update on April 1st added borax and niobium ore to the map and they dont spawn with rso active. rso prints message say as such

6 years ago

Im second on this one. Please make it compatible .:)

6 years ago

I've added support for new ores.
They seem to be very abundant in vanilla so they will be slightly less common then iron/copper but with more ore per patch.
(Coverage of those ores is defined to be significantly higher then iron/copper for vanilla)

6 years ago

nice. there is also the ores from pyhightech that got release later yesterday.

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