Makes resources more sparse than base game. You will need to use trains much earlier to get resources. Game will be more difficult especially with higher enemy settings.
Mod category: Tweaks
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
After a few seconds on a big existing world I get the above message when this mod is enabled. Removed all other mods and it get this error and remove this mod and don't get this error.
Seems to work ok on a new save.
If i run:
/c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units()
It was the vanilla spawning fix - it seems that game didn't like it.
I will need to try to reproduce this and figure out some kind of solution - I'll remove the 2.0.4 for now from page and leave 2.0.3. I also placed a bug report so will see if devs can help with this one.