Beacon Productivity

Allows prod modules in all beacons

1 year, 1 month ago
Manufacturing Cheats

g End product productivity

1 year, 23 days ago

Would you know how to apply this same global rule for beacons to allow productivity on all end products?

1 year, 9 days ago

There are mods out there that make it so that prod mods can work on all recipes, one of those would also allow any mods in beacons to also effect them. The primary reason I made this mod, is because the mod (which i am now using along side my mod) was having issues with the game crashing when also using, as space exploration was getting really confused about the prod mods existing in beacons.

This mod is effectively just a workaround for that issue, and to be more generalized for use with modded beacons.

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