Error while running setup for entity prototype "substation" (electric-pole): next_upgrade target (robosubstation) mast have the same fast_replaceable_group (substations != pole-I)
Bob's Power is also setting fast_replaceable_group for the vanilla substation prototype, but in a way that's not really designed to be compatible with other mods in the same space. With the addition of next_upgrade in 0.17 that approach may prove to be a bit fragile.
I'm sending you my savegame, but I warn you, I have a lot of mods.
for some reason, the error only happens when I actívate bobs power, shinyBobGFX and another I cannot ID, but I do know its not any of those the error tells you to deactivate lol
Found a combination of Bobs+Angels+others mods that threw the reported error with a fresh game, and have figured out a workaround for 0.1.6. Hopefully it's sorted now...