Just put this in data.lua at the top of the file below the other local
local item_sounds = require("__base__.prototypes.item_sounds")
Once you added this, it will work
I put it just below this line, and mod gets loaded fine:
local reFuelAmmount = settings.startup["reFuelAmmount"].value
In the same file, you also need to replace these lines:
inventory_move_sound = item_sounds.mechanical_large_inventory_move,
pick_sound = item_sounds.mechanical_large_inventory_pickup,
drop_sound = item_sounds.mechanical_large_inventory_move,
With these lines:
inventory_move_sound = "__base__/sound/item/mechanical-large-inventory-move.ogg",
pick_sound = "__base__/sound/item/mechanical-large-inventory-pickup.ogg",
drop_sound = "__base__/sound/item/mechanical-large-inventory-move.ogg",