Resource Map Label Marker

by kizrak

Creates resource map label markers when chunks get generated and charted. See resources through fog of war. Please review settings and consult details below before starting!! 🚀 #icon #resources #map #reveal #label #markers #chunks #generated #chart #tag #map #ore #count #fog of war

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

b doenst work with SE

2 years ago

it works perfectly fine when you discover new areas "the normal way".

But sadly, it doesnt work when youre in the navigation satelite (standard = N)

could that be fixed?

2 years ago

to add, sometimes it works with "finding new areas while in N view" but sometimes not... couldnt find out why it sometimes work or not, maybe you have an idea?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

There is a workaround console command to retag (see the info page of the mod), but it has a side effects that a) this happens on ALL surfaces and b) your custom labels will be stripped. Furthermore it may seem to freeze your pc for a minute.

2 years ago

I'm mostly in maintenance mode currently but I have recorded this in the list of bugs and TODOs for the project. I also accept pull requests if you are interested in submitting one.

Thank you for the bug report. 🍰

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