Resource Map Label Marker

by kizrak

Creates resource map label markers when chunks get generated and charted. See resources through fog of war. Please review settings and consult details below before starting!! 🚀 #icon #resources #map #reveal #label #markers #chunks #generated #chart #tag #map #ore #count #fog of war

9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Remove label QT

4 years ago

Is there a way to remove the quantity of each map label? its cool and all to know but I prefer just using the Icons... I tryed to remove on config but that only remove the icon instead =/

Well... thank you very much tho

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank you for your feedback. I've added this to my list of issues. 👍

4 years ago

Cheers mate!!

Thank you very much!

New response