That's indeed quite interesting - I newly installed this mod via the factorio mod interface in 0.18.26, and ended up with version 0.2.3. Factorio also doesn't list any updates when checking for updates, even though it does for many other mods - it lists 0.2.3 as most recent version, uploaded 3 weeks ago. I tried it on another copy that has never seen this mod, and the same behaviour happens, so as far as factorio is concerned, 0.2.3 is the current version for 0.18.
In any case, sorry for the kind of false alarm (even though something is wrong with this mod w.r.t. factorio), but never mind, I will likely stay with resource labels continued as long as I cna make it work, as it has less of an impact (this mod causes big pauses when generating terrain) and even displays human-readable resource names.