Resource Map Label Marker

by kizrak

Creates resource map label markers when chunks get generated and charted. See resources through fog of war. Please review settings and consult details below before starting!! 🚀 #icon #resources #map #reveal #label #markers #chunks #generated #chart #tag #map #ore #count #fog of war

7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Multiple tags at one place

4 years ago

When other mods touch chunks (I think, Custom Map Colours is a reason), the labels are placed at one place multiple times.
Also, it is not convenient, that if a label is deleted manually, it is restored again in such cases.

4 years ago

This should be fixed in v0.3.6 of the mod. Please backup -- I haven't really tested migration from the previous version and I heavily changed data structures so...

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