Resource Map Label Marker

by kizrak

Creates resource map label markers when chunks get generated and charted. See resources through fog of war. Please review settings and consult details below before starting!! 🚀 #icon #resources #map #reveal #label #markers #chunks #generated #chart #tag #map #ore #count #fog of war

9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Activate

4 years ago

How do you activate this in an existing game?

4 years ago

It will only apply to generated chunks (to save UPS).

You could look for a mod that deletes unused chunks so they get re-generated.

I'll look into something for this in the future.

4 years ago

You could generate labels on the script.on_configuration_changed event for all existing chunks. That way it'll regenerate when mods change (or most importantly when this mod is added). Right now this mod is kind of useless for me because I can't add it to my existing save and get labels for existing chunks. Resource Labels Continued uses a keyboard shortcut to regenerate labels, that's another option.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

v0.2.4 should work for existing maps

Let me know if you find any issues ---- Thanks!

4 years ago

Seems to be working now, thank you! Updating the mod with the in game mod manager seems a little off. At 1st it wasn't allowing for auto update. The mod was still showing 2.2. I had to delete the old version, and then when I went back in to mods, the new version just showed up.

4 years ago

Seems to be working now, thank you! Updating the mod with the in game mod manager seems a little off. At 1st it wasn't allowing for auto update. The mod was still showing 2.2. I had to delete the old version, and then when I went back in to mods, the new version just showed up.

New response