Artisanal Reskins: Bob's Mods

by Kirazy

Reskins items, entities, and technologies within Bob's mods to add tier colors and icon labeling. Features high-res icons and updated sprites to align with vanilla Factorio, and supports player-customizable tier labels, colors and mapping. Part of the Artisanal Reskins series.

8 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b [Fixed] Error loading mods (Nauvis Day)

3 years ago

Hi, I'm using the lates version of bob's reskins and bob's mods but when trying to load the game I get an error:

Failed to load mods: reskins-library/prototypes/functions/functions.lua:191:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
reskins-library/prototypes/functions/functions.lua:191:in function 'create_particle'
reskin-bobs/prototypes/entity/warfare/wall.lua:40:in main chunk
[C]:in function 'require'
reskins-bobs/data.lua:90:in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
reskin-bobs (2.0.1)

After disabeling the mod the game loads normaly.

3 years ago

Do you have a mod installed that tweaks the vanilla wall entity?

3 years ago

It seems that it is incompadible with Nauvis Day, disabeling this allowes me to enable your mod.

3 years ago

Right, this issue. I don't have a timetable for when this will be resolved as the solution here requires a re-write of how the particle generation system works. Currently it assumes that vanilla particles are more-or-less intact, ('cause no one really touches them) but Reika is adjusting the wall particles.

If you want both mods and don't mind editing files, you can comment out lines 36 to 41:

-- Create particles and explosions
reskins.lib.create_explosion("reinforced-wall", inputs)

for particle, key in pairs(inputs.particles) do
    reskins.lib.create_particle("reinforced-wall", inputs.base_entity, reskins.lib.particle_index[particle], key, reinforced_tint_index[particle])

In the file reskins-bobs/prototypes/entity/warfare/wall.lua. Or just delete the lines.

3 years ago

I tried to disable the lines, but now Nauvis Day is throwing an error. This still seems to be an incompatibility between these mods.

3 years ago

I've resolved these with the latest update. You should be good to go as soon as the AR: Bob update lands on the portal (uploading now).

New response