Artisanal Reskins: Angel's Mods

by Kirazy

Reskins items, entities, and technologies within Angel's mods to add tier colors and icon labeling. Features high-res icons and updated models, lighting and sprites, and supports player-customizable tier labels, colors and mapping. Part of the Artisanal Reskins series.

9 months ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 2.2.1
Date: 2024-05-12
    - Fixed that the Silicon ore sorting recipe had no ore icon.
Version: 2.2.0
Date: 2024-05-04
    - Added colored tier icons for the thermal water extractors.
    - Internal updates to reflect changes to Artisanal Reskins: Library, now depends on version 2.2.0
    - Fixed several item icons using Bob's mods icons instead of Angel's mods icons (#34).
Version: 2.1.8
Date: 2023-12-24
    - Fixed that attempting to use Angels pipe material colors would fail
Version: 2.1.7
Date: 2023-12-23
    - Internal updates to reflect changes to Artisanal Reskins: Library, now depends on version 2.1.6
    - Revised tiers of hydro plants, electrowinning cells, and algae farms to reflect changes to Angel's mods and Extended Angels
    - Fixed that the Fiberglass Board recipe added by Angel's mods was not properly reskinned under some circumstances.
Version: 2.1.6
Date: 2023-01-01
    - Added support for adjusted tiers of Ore Processing techs
    - Added support for new tiers of Crystallizer and Filtration Unit
    - Added support for adjusted tiers for Sintering Ovens and Chemical Furnaces
Version: 2.1.5
Date: 2022-10-06
    - Updated Traditional Chinese localization.
Version: 2.1.4
Date: 2022-08-15
    - Removed internal building sprites native to Angel's Refining, minimum version is now 0.12.1
    - Removed internal building sprites native to Angel's Petrochemical Processing, minimum version is now 0.9.21
    - Removed internal item and recipe icons native to Angel's Smelting, minimum version is now 0.6.15
    - Added support for adjusted progression tiers for ore processing machines, pellet presses, and powder mixers to reflect changes to ingredients in Angel's Smelting version 0.6.20
    - Added support for adjusted progression tiers for chemical plants to reflect changes to ingredients in Angel's Petrochemical Processing version 0.9.23
    - Added support for adjusted progression tiers for algae farms to reflect changes to ingredients in Angel's Bioprocessing version 0.7.23
    - Changed tech icon for Mechanical Refining to Ore Sorting Facility 1 when playing with Sea Block
Version: 2.1.3
Date: 2022-04-03
    - "My name is... Tim." Fixed that the recipe for tin plate from crushed bobmonium was broken when using Angel's tin plate
    - Fixed that the recipe for resin was broken when using Angel's solid resin
Version: 2.1.2
Date: 2022-03-19
    - Updated Korean, Russian localizations
    - Added localization for Ukrainian
    - Cleaned up empty localization files
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 2022-01-03
    - Fixed that the effect of the setting "Use Vanilla-style chemical plants" was inverted
    - Fixed that the function `angels_chemical_plant` was not actually available to be called when "Use Vanilla-style chemical plants" was enabled (and thus inverted)
    - Fixed that tints were not applied to angel-style chemical plants, and tier labels couldn't be adjusted
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 2022-01-03
    - Setting "Use Angel's material colors for intermediates" now includes support for player armor
    - Added setting "Use Vanilla-style chemical plants", (default off) to use vanilla chemical plant sprites and animations when Angel's setting "Disable Bob's chemical plants" is enabled
    - Additions of EmmyLua-style documentation is ongoing
    - Improved support for Angel's Special Vanilla recipes
    - Reskinning of the standard Factorio pipe has been moved into Artisanal Reskins: Library to support adjustments to pipe sprites and shadows in the entire suite
    - Internal restructuring to make entity reskinning through functions globally available under `reskins.lib.apply_skin` is ongoing
    - Iron rod recipes now use the base Factorio iron rod sprites
    - Fixed that the iron plate to iron rod recipe referred to a deprecated `angels-rod-iron` icon instead of the current `iron-stick` icon
    - Fixed that Angel's Industry component mode was not properly detected and recipe icons were broken in some instances
    - Fixed that the iron rod was not properly reverted to the base Factorio sprite
    - Fixed that when playing Angel's Special Vanilla mode, technology icons for powder metallurgy would be inconsistent with base Angel's
    - Fixed that several calls to the `angelsmods` global function were not properly validated
    - Updated German, Russian localizations
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 2021-12-12
    - Unified filtering furnaces to use the same set of sprites, and updated settings referring to metal mixing furnances to refer to filtering furnaces
    - Fixed that several ore refining icons were improperly reskinned when materials added by Bob's Metal's, Chemicals and Intermediates or alternatively Angel's Industries were not present
    - Fixed that the liquefier animation was not playing
    - Fixed startup error when playing with Omni Compression related to the ore flotation cell recipes
    - Fixed that lead and tin plate recipe icons for direct smelting were not reskinned when Angel's Smelting was not enabled
    - Corrected all references to improper spelling "liquifier", relating to the liquefier
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 2021-09-29
    - Updated crystallizer, ore crusher, ore flotation cell, ore sorting facility, ore refinery, hydro plant, salination plant, and clarifier with high resolution sprites
    - Corrected references to improper spelling "floatation", relating to the ore flotation cell
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 2021-09-12
    - Revised Algae farm progression tiering when Sea Block 0.5.5 or later is enabled
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2021-08-14
    - Revisions to all color masks for all entities, items, and icons are ongoing
    - Perceived brightness and contrast have been improved and oversaturation and color blowouts have been reduced for revised entities
    - Added progression tier adjustments when used with Sea Block for the chemical plants
    - Added numeral icons to the mud washing process recipes
    - Added backwards compatibility for older versions of Angel's Petrochem and Angel's Bioprocessing for progression tiering for electric boilers, chemical plants and algae farms
    - Revised icons for bronze, brass and gunmetal plates to improve visual separation
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 2021-07-01
    - Implemented support for Bob's modules style agriculture modules and related technologies
    - Added progression tier adjustments when used with Sea Block for the algae farm 3, crystallizer, and filtration unit
    - Added support for Sea Block's 5th tier ore sorting facility
    - Added thorium power technology icon with Angel's Industries
    - When Angel's Industries and Bob's Power are present, startup setting "Deuterium is Blue!" is set `true` to align reactor colors with the deuterium fuel color
    - Adjusted progression tiering for electric boilers, chemical plants and oil & gas separators in line with changes from Angel's Petrochem
    - Dropped support for ShinyBobGFX, ShinyAngelGFX
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 2021-06-02
    - Adjusted function `num_tier` to validate tint fetching, correcting crashes related to trying to fetch a tint from `angelsmods[mod]` where `mod` is not enabled.
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 2021-05-02
    - Adjusted how ore icon variations are generated in line with changes in Artisanal Reskins: Library
    - Adjusted the progression tier of the algae farms
    - Added explosions and particles to warehouses and big chests
    - Fixed that pipes did not respect the setting "Use Angel's material colors for pipes"
    - Fixed that icon assignment for Ore crusher 4 with Extended Angels was being overwritten
    - Fixed that pipe to ground icons had black transparent pixels
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 2021-03-22
    - The following entity implementations are preliminary fast-passes that will be gradually be replaced in the future with upgraded models re-rendered in high resolution, and are intended merely to complete the color tiering
    - Implemented the crystallizer, electrowinning cell, filtration unit, hydro plant, liquefier, ore crusher, ore flotation cell, ore leaching plant, ore powderizer, ore refinery, ore sorting facility, salination plant and the washing plant from Angel's Refining
    - Implemented the advanced chemical plant, air filter, chemical plant, electric boiler, electrolyser, oil & gas separator, and the steam cracker from Angel's Petrochemical Processing; note, Artisanal Reskins: Compatibility must be version 1.1.2 or higher if present
    - Implemented the algae farm from Angel's Bioprocessing
    - Dropped "beta" from thumbnail as all structures now have color masks; re-rendering is ongoing and will continue until complete
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2021-03-13
    - Added Chinese Traditional and Korean localizations, updated German localization
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 2021-03-04
    - Reskinning of items, recipes, and technologies that were not previously captured by the various mod-toggle settings are now captured, and the scope of the reskinning is configurable under Artisanal Reskins: Library startup settings
    - Code revisions to support changes in Artisanal Reskins: Library, now dependent on 1.1.3
    - Removed Sea Block slag processing compatibility patches, now natively implemented in Sea Block
    - Revised numeral handling function to support upcoming numeral rework in Angel's Refining
    - Internal code revisions such that reskinning is trigger-based
    - Moved mod compatibility for Angel's Extended Smelting and Compression and MadClown01's Processing into a new mod, Artisanal Reskins: Compatibility
    - Images are now losslessly compressed, instead of lossy; there is a modest increase in filesize
    - Added check for `recipe.normal` when processing ore slag recipes to avoid a startup error condition
    - Updated German localization
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2021-01-31
    - Added Russian localization
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2020-12-25
    - Added icon support for pellets, sheet coils, wire coils, glass fiber, metal powders, processed ores, quartz crucible, lime, limestone, silicon wafers, slag, and solder
    - Added icon support for molten metals, glass, and concrete, thanks and credit to NeveHanter for providing icons and technologies with realistic fluid simulations
    - Added icon support for ingots, and included variations, controllable with startup setting "Item variations" (default on)
    - Added support for items and recipes added by Angel's Extended Smelting and Compression mod
    - Added support for ingots, pellets, metal powders, processed ores and molten metals, and related technologies, in Mad Clown's Processing mod
    - Implemented the flare stack, gas refinery, petrochem gas, oil and inline tanks, and valves
    - Moved function `vertical_pipe_shadow` into Artisanal Reskins: Library, now dependent on 1.1.1
    - Revised the advanced gas refinery sprite, improved pipe connection shadows, and adjusted flare positioning
    - Revised numeral overlays with sharper, clearer sprites for recipes touched by this mod
    - Updated German localizations
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2020-11-26
    - Moved to Factorio 1.1
    - Added big chests and logistic chests from Angel's Industries
    - Added warehouses and logistic warehouses from Angel's Addons - Storage Options
    - Added support for the recipe processing mineral sludge when playing Sea Block
    - Added lighting to several items and intermediates
    - Adjusted handling of Bob's electronics related recipes due to changes in Artisanal Reskins: Bob's Mods
    - Adjusted `drawing_box` for several structures
    - Reworked how `working_visualisations` is handled for the strand casting machine
    - Removed defines for `working_visualisations` for the blast furnace and casting machine
    - Updated German localizations
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2020-11-08
    - Implemented the advanced gas refinery
    - Added settings to use Angel's material colors for pipes and intermediates (default on)
    - Added icon for "Glowing hot iron plate"
    - Now reskins plate recipes for lead and tin when Angel's Smelting is not present
    - Now reskins "Metallurgy smelting 5" technology
    - Changed how default indicators for true/false setting descriptions are handled internally
    - Changed to refer to Angel's Smelting graphics where possible to reduce mod size; now dependent on Angel's Smelting version 0.6.12+
    - Changed the progression tiers of the chemical furnace from 1-4 to 2-5 to reflect changes in Angel's Smelting
    - Removed progression tiers from the powder mixer (now tier 1-4 in all cases) to reflect changes in Angel's Smelting
    - Fixed that the recipes "Glowing hot iron plate" and "Steel plate" had improper icons due to recent updates in Angel's Smelting
    - Modified setting names and descriptions for consistency
    - Updated Czech and German localizations, added Brazilian Portuguese localization
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2020-10-04
    - Implemented sulfur, lead, titanium, tin, aluminium, cobalt, gold, nickel, silicon, silver, tungsten, and zinc ores, and updated related recipe icons
    - Revised icon number overlay to retrieve tints from angelsmods global
    - Fixed that recipe icons were twice as large as intended in alt-view
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-09-21
    - Initial work-in-progress release
    - Implements machines and related technologies from Angel's Smelting
    - Implements plates, wires and most ores added by Angel's Smelting and Angel's Refining
    - Includes Czech and German localizations