Region Cloner

by mulark

Clones entire regions of the map including cars and trains, for benchmarking purposes. Copies inventory contents, train schedules, circuit networks, and more!

3 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Saving to a file

1 year, 1 month ago

Is it possible to implement saving to a file, and then transfer to another save?
And if so, will it work with mods like Memory Storage?

1 year, 1 month ago

Saving to a file would be pretty extensive, probably not impossible to do but definitely not a priority for me.

Since the expansion will add multiple surfaces, one thing I've considered adding is a way to clone to other surfaces. That's currently possible using the vanilla clone, but not through the region-cloner UI. The best solution for you immediate term is probably to use the editor to import the surface of a save that has the design you want to clone. Then clone it, and then finally delete the imported surface. The editor clone has some issues that this mod doesn't have, but the mod still fixes what it can if it is installed even if you don't use the UI to clone.

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