Redstone Flux

This mod adds redstone, a new resource that can be used to transfer and produce a lot of energy from raw resources. Loosely based on the redstone flux system in the minecraft thermal expansion mod.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2022.04.19
    - Update info.json to be compatible with factorio 1.1.
    - Compatability with krastorio2 and space exploration appears to work.
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 2020.09.19
    - Redstone energy cells are crafted and charged with assembler instead of at chemical plant
    - Added survivalist generator and high temperature generator based on the same types added in
      extra utilities. Survivalist produces very little power efficiently while high temperature
      generator produces a lot of power at a slight efficiency loss.
    - Heated redstone generator again based on the generator added in extra utilities, produces power
      with 300MW heat and redstone flux. Around 50% more efficient than using water to cool and less flowing
      fluids. Can also be used to cool a reactor if destabilized redstone is used, no efficiency gain and
      the destabilized redstone is lost.
    - Reduced infusion recipe time down to 4s.
    - Increased redstone flux recipe using redstone crystals from 5s to 30s.
    - Increase efficiency of uranium infusion recipe
    - Reduce chance that the redstone crystal is lost. 99.5% that it is returned vs 99%
    - Redstone flux generator can no longer use redstone/redstone dust as fuel, fairly trivial to
      setup endgame power generation with little to no need to go through infusion mess.
    - Moved redstone infusion into redstone flux research to make it easier to make redstone flux
      before researching infusion with its increased importance for powering flux generators.
    - New fuel category for redstone crystal which can be used in both types of generators, it is fairly
      difficult to obtain large quantities and it can be used to make earlygame power generation more efficient
    - Reduce power gen of flux generator as new endgame power generation has been added
    - Redstone Flux generator crafting time properly set to 60s.
    - Reduce Space Exploration core fragment output to make it more difficult to self core mining drills.
    - Heated Redstone and Redstone Infusion tech require energy science packs if space exploration is installed.
    - Renamed redstone flux to destabilized redstone
    - Renamed energized redstone flux to redstone flux
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2020.09.04
    - Redstone centrifuge shouldn't be available from the start
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2020.09.04
    - Add Krastorio 2 biomass into infusion recipes
    - Infusion recipes are no longer automatically unlocked (issue in control script)
      It should now work properly unlocking new ores if tech is already researched.
    - Redstone processing technology requires pulverizer/crusher to be researched if SE or K2 is enabled.
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2020.09.04
    - New infusion recipes are unlocked if tech is researched - for existing saves when
      additional ores from other mods are added.
    - Updated ore generation function
    - Add compatability with Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration. 
      Use pulverizers(SE), or crushers(K2) to make redstone dust.
      Add infusion recipes for all ores added by the two mods, imersite and Vulcanite are
      more efficient as they have some additional energy value based on the products they're used in.
    - Reduce costs of some technologies to be more in line with similar technologies at the same tier
    - Nerf Redstone Generator, only 50% effective, somewhat more balanced compared to early game power generation
    - Increase redstone crystal fuel value to offset redstone generator nerf and to make 
      redstone dust -> redstone crystal -> generator process a net positive in power
    - Redstone crystals are needed for infusion recipes as a catalyst, avg 1 used per 100GJ produced.
      Forces the stupidly long and cannot be sped up redstone crystalization recipe to be used 
      which is the main drawback to balance things.
    - Reduce redstone crystalization time by 50% as it's being shoehorned into infusion.
    - Fix some missing locales
    - Changed ore infusion name format
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020.09.02
    - Initial Experimental release.