
Adds a redo keybind and shortcut for when you undo too much. Integrated into vanilla 2.0!

10 months ago

b ✅ Error

2 years ago

Hello JamesFire.
An error occurred while playing in the "Blueprint Sandboxes (by somethingtohide)" Mod.

Error while running event redo::undo (ID 446) -redo__/controllua:520: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'pairs' -_redo /controllua:520: in function 'create_entity_ghost -redo _/controllua:567: in function '?'
/controllua:653: in function 'input_action' redo /controllua:661: in function <__redo /controllua:661>

thank you

2 years ago

I had a typo on one line of code. Fixed in 0.2.3!

2 years ago

Thank you so much for the quick response. :)
It seems small, but a really useful mod makes the game convenient.
Thank you.

2 years ago

Thanks! I know it's not something people would really use too often, but I'm glad people are finding use out of it, it's the little things that count.

Also I recently set up a webhook to ping me on discord whenever I get a mod portal notification, so that explains the speed :P

New response