This adds all the recycling recipes to a new Factoriopedia tab (the icon was made by Keysivi), as well as a signal tab. It should also work with recycling recipes generated from mods. Only recipes whose item is also in factoriopedia are shown. By default, things that recycle to themselves are not shown, but you can change this in the mod settings.
Note: Although Vanilla Factorio v2.0.25 added recycling recipes to Factoriopedia, they can only be accessed via the to-be-recycled item's entry in Factoriopedia, whereas this mod adds them all to a seperate tab, moreover, it shows recycling recipes in the alternative recipes list (so you can see what you can recycle to get a specific item).
The listed time of the recycling recipes are rounded, according to the lua code the unrounded value is 6.25% (1/16) of the original recipe's base time (i.e. not including the crafting speed modifier of the machine used to produce it).
Some of the outputs will be listed as a range of form "min-(min + 1)" with a tooltip listing a probability. This means that the expected value is simply "min + probability". The displayed values may be rounded, so the exact value is the ingredient-count of the original recipe divided by 4 × the output-count of the recipe (which is usually 1). For example, in the screenshot above for roboports, the expected/average value of iron gear wheels is 11.25 (more mathematically, as the number n approaches infinity, the number of iron gear wheels produced from recycling n roboports will approach n×11.25; however due to random chance, and especially when n is small, you could get anywhere between n×11 and n×12 iron gear wheels).
Some things recycle to themselves (e.g. smelting, or things without recipes), these always give a flat 25% (1/4) chance of returning their input item (i.e. 75% chance of destroying it). If the item has a recipe with the same name (the recipe that shows up when you look at the item in Factoriopedia), then the time to recycle is 6.25% of this, otherwise the time is always 0.03125s (0.5/16s). For example, there is no recipe called "Solid Fuel", but several "solid fuel from ..." recipes listed in Factoriopedia as "alternative recipes"), so the time is 0.03125s. See this forum post for a discussion of how the game determines what recycles to itself.
If you'd like any features/changes, let me know on the discussion section or my factorio forum account.
Warning: I have not tested this with mods that make their own recycling recipes, however any such mods that generate recycling recipes in data-final-fixes should be loaded before this mod (e.g. by listing this mod as an optional dependency).