Data Exporter to JSON

Outputs|Exports a JSON file to /script-output/recipe-lister that lists all recipes, crafting machines, mining drills, belts, inserters, resources, items, fluids, and technologies loaded on player creation. Settings for split files and toggles for each category

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Localization strings not complete

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

When the control.lua script attempts to read the localisation_string of an object, it outputs the first element of the array that is there instead of the entire array. This makes it impossible to replace the placeholders in the strings (like __1__ or __ENTITY__behemoth-biter__) if there are any, which is somewhat annoying. Could you update this so that you dump the entire localization string instead of just part of it?

6 years ago

1.5.0 should fix this. I wrongly assumed the placeholder formats are only used in descriptions and other control scripts.

New response