Recursive Blueprints+

by FoxLBA

Automate blueprints to build a self-expanding factory. Fork of Recursive Blueprints with new small features: navigation through nested blueprint books, deployer logging and scanner upgrade.

4 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

a Plans for updates

11 days ago
(updated 4 days ago)

Updates are moving slowly, so I decided to announce future changes.

- [Quality] Read the quality of buildings, ghosts and items on the ground; Generate appropriate output signals.
- Add custom virtual signals for counters.
- Remove the flexibility of settings (they are not needed in most cases and this causes a lot of problems).

- Support blueprint parameterization.
- Add the ability to reprogram and read a remote constant combinator.
- Add a parameter that allows the deployer to mark itself for deconstraction.

- Add a cheat sheet in the game for commands and signals (maybe in "tips and tricks" or informatron).

10 days ago

Can you tell me a bit more about the removal of settings?

What are "counters"?

In game info pages spunds like a great idea for documenting all the magic constants :)

Parametric blueprint support sounds nice.

10 days ago
(updated 10 days ago)

A counters is an scanner output signals that shows the number of buildings, ghosts, water tiles, cliffs, enemy buildings, etc in the selected area.

Now any input/output signal in the scanner can be changed. Input signals are fine, but for output signals (counters) I want to make a custom set with self-explanatory names. In this regard, I no longer see the point in leaving the option to change the type of signal. Moreover, there is a problem with saving the modified signals in the blueprint.

Of course, I will make sure that the old blueprints will not be broken.

Cheat sheet could be in Factoripedia, right?

9 days ago

Thank you for continuing to work on this. I have plans to employ this with updates for quality upgrades once I finish my SA run.

Add the ability to reprogram and read a remote constant combinator.

I've reprogrammed combinators remotely with blueprints before, but it's not fun or intuitive. So I see the value in this combined functionality. But reading a remote constant combinator doesn't sound like the responsibility of the blueprint deployer. maybe this is functionality a different, new entity could support? It feels like the deployer does a lot already from many circuit commands, but this feels extra.

8 days ago

I am interested in adding code for multi-deployment to RE+, either as a fork "RE++" or as a PR to RE+ if you think it would be a good addition.

Multi-deployment would be things like rows and columns signals (with rows*columns deployments in a single tick in a grid), with signals that can add to the basis vectors for any spacing amount (and the possibility to do parallelograms/lines in any orientation automatically). Maybe with some extra signals for more advanced shaping commands.

Would be nice to be able to send a signal to deploy 2048 laser turrets in a row at once instead of looping for minutes with a circuit contraption, when making something that expands my territory automatically. And you would just do that example with just 2 extra signals, one for count and one for spacing.

8 days ago

It seems that we will have to add an advanced deployer with a more complex command system for various shenanigans...

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