Randotorio deprecated

Factorio but every recipe has its ingredients shuffled and every playthrough is different. This mod is based on the concept of Zelda Link To The Past Randomizer https://alttpr.com/en and contains randomization logic to ensure every seed can be completed. *Compatible with Seablock and Spaceblock* * Obsoleted by https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ZRecipeRandomizer *

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b "4" flaws short of "perfect"

5 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

This mod is flawless.

Except for...
- Ingredients that cannot be automated e.g. wood should transmuted out of the ingredients pool whenever they are used to prevent large scale recipes relying on non-automatable resources
- Space Exploration issues with resources that dont spawn on nauvis, and energy shield mk3 being randomized out of order
- Occasionally, multiple smelting recipes will share the same ingredients e.g. iron plates and copper plates both need iron ore. Issue is the vanilla furnaces cannot distinguish between these, and you get "locked out" of those smelting recipes.
- Handling for extremely long/expensive recipes.