Rail Car

EN: Just the car and tank on rails, totally broken, probably unbalanced. Currently the rail car still uses the original car sprite, planning to make it have appropriate wheels for rails. Doesn't include a working turret, as this requires some additional implementations, which I haven't added yet. If you want to support me on getting the turret working as a compound locomotive, you can join efforts on GitHub and/or GitLab. Alternatively, if you understand how compound locomotives are made, you might wanna create your own library mod for that, which i would welcome too! DE: Wie Auto und Panzer, jetzt aber auf Schienen! Total gestört und wahrscheinlich unbalanziert. Momentan benutzt das Schienen Auto leicht modifizierte Auto Sprites, Ich plane in einer späteren Veröffentlichung es vernüftige Räder für die Schienen zu geben. Die Geschütze funktionieren nicht, da es Implementierung benötigt, die Ich noch nicht programmiert habe. Du kannst auf GitHub und GitLab zum Projekt beitragen.

3 years ago

b Bug Reports

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Failed Startup, under Graphics Setting Sprite Resolution "Normal"

The mod can only work with Sprite Resolution "High".
When set to "Normal", startup error shows as below:

Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "rail-car" (locomotive): Layers of rotated sprite need to have equal direction_count.

At ROOT.locomotive.rail-car.pictures.layers[1]

Consecutive Rail Cars do NOT Connect

Between Rail Car and Locomotive (or Cargo Wagon), there is no problem.
But Rail Cars cannot be connected one after another. They do not have to "connection indicator" when placing; while counting as separate trains after placing.

3 years ago

I'll check it out

3 years ago

should be fixed in the new release

3 years ago

Thanks. Both are fixed now.

3 years ago


New response